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Jamal Batoon
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Cemal Batun is a prominent Kurdish journalist. He was born on September 21, 1963, in the city of Nusaybin .
He graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Sofia University ( Bulgaria ) in 1987. In 1986, he was responsible for the Middle East, Turkey and Kurdish Question section of the Bulgarian newspaper Otechestven Front. In the same years, his articles were published in the Kurdistan Press newspaper . In 1989, he came to Sweden and the same year joined the editorial board of the magazine Demokrat . In 1990, he became a member of the editorial board of the magazine Berbang , the organ of the Federation of Kurdistan Associations in Sweden. In 1993, he became a leading writer for the magazine Hevdem .
In the 1990s, his books The Gulf War and the Kurds (along with Amed Tigris and Pasha Uzun ) and his translation of Mesopotamian Mythologies were published. In 2001, he began working in the Kurdish section of Swedish Radio . In the same years, his series of programs for Kurdish children in the Kurdish language were broadcast on Swedish television , SVT/UR . In 2006, he moved to Rojhilat TV and was responsible for the Kurdish section. In 2010, he continued his work at ASOsat TV .
In the early 2000s, his collection of books by Barzani and the Bulgarian-language book Sinat na Slantseto (Son of the Sun) were published. He was also responsible for the magazine Dengê Bakur . In 2011, he hosted the Ronahî program on Barada TV . He has also written for many magazines, newspapers and websites. Such as: Insiyatîf , Rojeva Kurd , Rastî , etc. In 2016, he started speaking and directing the program on Kurdistan24 .
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